//Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. function onld() { ///PopulateMessaging(); } function PopulateMessaging() { //make ajax call to grab message file. if no file there or file exists but contents are empty, nothing //will be displayed in the message container //new Ajax('/CookieAuth.dll?GetPic?formdir=3&image=message.htm?r=' + Math.random(), {method:'get', update:'msgContainerBody', onComplete:function() { ShowMessaging(); } }).request(); // new Ajax('/message.htm' + Math.random(), {method:'get', update:'msgContainerBody', onComplete:function() { ShowMessaging(); } }).request(); ShowMessaging(); } function ShowMessaging() { // var body = $('msgContainerBody').innerHTML.trim(); // if (body != '') // $('msgContainer').style.display = 'block'; } function chkCookies() { // Are cookies enabled? // var sCN = "cookieTest"; // Get Date in the future so this will expire // var dt = new Date(); dt.setSeconds(dt.getSeconds() + 2); document.cookie = sCN + "=1; expires=" + dt.toGMTString(); var cookiesEnabled = document.cookie.indexOf(sCN + "=") != -1; if (cookiesEnabled == false) { shw(gbid("tblMid2")); hd(gbid("tblMid")); } cookiesEnabled = true; return cookiesEnabled; } function ldCookie(un, next) { // Check for username cookie // var re = /(^|; )logondata=acc=([0|1])&lgn=([^;]+)(;|$)/; var rg = re.exec(document.cookie); if (rg) { // Fill in username, set security to private, and restore the "use basic" selection // gbid(un).value = rg[3]; gbid(next).focus(); gbid("rdoPrvt").click(); } else { // The variable g_fFcs is set to false when the password gains focus, // so that we don't accidentally set focus to the username field while // the user is typing their password // if (g_fFcs) gbid(un).focus(); } } function clkExp(o) { switch(o) { case lnkShwSec: hd(lnkShwSec); shw(lnkHdSec); shw(trPubExp); shw(trPrvtExp); lnkHdSec.focus(); break; case lnkHdSec: shw(lnkShwSec); hd(lnkHdSec); hd(trPubExp); hd(trPrvtExp); lnkShwSec.focus(); break; } } function clkExp2(o) { switch(o) { case lnkShwSec2: hd(lnkShwSec2); shw(lnkHdSec2); shw(trPrvtExp2); lnkHdSec2.focus(); break; case lnkHdSec2: shw(lnkShwSec2); hd(lnkHdSec2); hd(trPrvtExp2); lnkShwSec2.focus(); break; } } function clkExp3(o) { switch(o) { case lnkShwSec3: hd(lnkShwSec3); shw(lnkHdSec3); shw(trPrvtExp3); lnkHdSec3.focus(); break; case lnkHdSec3: shw(lnkShwSec3); hd(lnkHdSec3); hd(trPrvtExp3); lnkShwSec3.focus(); break; } } function clkExp4(o) { switch(o) { case lnkShwExp4: hd(lnkShwExp4); shw(lnkHdExp4); shw(trPinSysExp); shw(trPinUserExp); lnkHdExp4.focus(); break; case lnkHdExp4: shw(lnkShwExp4); hd(lnkHdExp4); hd(trPinSysExp); hd(trPinUserExp); lnkShwExp4.focus(); break; } } function shw(o) { o.style.display = ""; } function hd(o) { o.style.display = "none" } function clkLgn() { // If security is set to private, add a cookie to persist username and basic setting // Cookie format: logondata=acc=<1 or 0>&lgn= // if (gbid("rdoPrvt").checked) { // Calculate the expires time for two weeks // var oD = new Date(); oD.setTime(oD.getTime() + 2*7*24*60*60*1000); var sA = "acc=" + 0; var sL = "lgn=" + getUser().value; document.cookie = "logondata=" + sA + "&" + sL + "; expires=" + oD.toUTCString(); } } function clkSec() { var rdoPrvt = document.getElementById('rdoPrvt'); var c = rdoPrvt.checked; if (c) { trPrvtWrn.style.display = ""; } else { trPrvtWrn.style.display = "none"; // Remove the cookie by expiring it // var oD = new Date(); oD.setTime(oD.getTime() - 9999); document.cookie = "logondata=; expires=" + oD.toUTCString(); } } function clkBsc() { var chkBsc = document.getElementById('chkBsc'); if (chkBsc.checked) { trBscExp.style.display = ""; chkBsc.value = 1; } else { trBscExp.style.display = "none"; chkBsc.value = 0; } } function clkChpwd() { var chkChpwd = document.getElementById('chpwd'); if (chkChpwd.checked) { trChpwdExp.style.display = ""; chkChpwd.value = "on"; } else { trChpwdExp.style.display = "none"; chkChpwd.value = ""; } } function optClkSec() { var optClk = document.getElementById('optClk'); var c = optClk.checked; var un = document.getElementById('un'); un.style.display = c ? "" : "none"; } function clkPin() { var chkPin = document.getElementById('rdoCPinSys'); var newPin = document.getElementById('newpin'); var nextPrn = document.getElementById('nextprn'); if (chkPin.checked) { newPin.disabled = true; nextPrn.disabled = true; } else { newPin.disabled = false; nextPrn.disabled = false; } } function clkRtry() { window.location.reload(); } function gbid(s) { return document.getElementById(s); } function getUser() { var un = gbid("userid"); if (!un) { return gbid("username"); } return un; } function IsIE() { var iVO = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE "); // Version offset // Check for IE-only property to thwart clients masquerading as IE // if (iVO != -1 && typeof window.external == "object") { var iVerT = parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(iVO + 5, iVO + 6), 10); if (!isNaN(iVerT)) { return true; } } return false; }